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要約 目的:緑内障患者の白内障手術前後でのGoldmann視野の変化の報告。対象と方法:対象は緑内障と診断され,白内障手術前後でGoldmann視野検査が施行可能であった症例のうち術後の矯正視力が0.6以上であった39例62眼である。結果:術前後の視野は,湖崎分類による病期で11眼(18%)が改善,49眼(79%)が不変,2眼(3%)が悪化であった。術前矯正視力が0.8以上,術前湖崎分類がⅡ期までのもので,術後の視野の改善率が高かった。術後に改善する視野所見として,中心感度の上昇,Mariotte盲点拡大の改善,傍中心暗点の改善が多かった。結論:白内障の術後に,視野が改善する例があり,その多くが中心30°における変化であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report changes in glaucomatous visual field in after cataract surgery. Cases and Method:This study was made on 62 eyes with glaucoma that that resulted in corrected visual acuity of 0.6 or over after small-incision cataract surgery. Results:Visual field after surgery improved in 11 eyes(18%), remained unchanged in 49 eyes(79%), and deteriorated in 2 eyes(3%). Visual field tended to improve when corrected visual acuity was 0.8 or over before surgery or when the visual field defect was stage Ⅱ or less after classification by Kozaki. Improvement in visual field was associated with improved sensitivity in the point of fixation, decreased size of blind spot, or decrease in paracentral scotoma. Conclusion:Glaucomatous visual field may improve following small-incision cataract surgery. Improvements often took place in the central 30 degrees of visual field.

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