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要約 目的:眼球破裂後の術後視力に関連する術前の諸因子を解析した報告。対象と方法:過去5年間に眼球破裂で受診した26例26眼を検索した。男性14例,女性12例で,年齢は30~93歳(平均68歳)である。平均年齢は男性よりも女性が17歳高かった。外傷の原因は転倒50%,打撲35%などであった。初診時視力は,光覚なし5眼,光覚弁11眼,手動弁8眼,指数弁以上2眼であった。年齢,創傷範囲,術前視力,手術回数,前房出血,硝子体出血,網膜剝離,脈絡膜下出血を目的変数とし,重回帰分析を行った。結果:術前の網膜剝離の程度のみが術後視力と有意に相関した。結論:眼球破裂では,術前の網膜剝離の程度から術後視力を予測することができる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of multiple regression analysis of preoperative factors related to postoperative visual acuity in eyeglobe rupture. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 26 eyes of 26 cases treated by us for eyeglobe rupture during the past 5 years. The series comprised 14 males and 12 females. The age ranged from 30 to 93 years,average 68 years. Averaged age was higher in females than males by 17 years. Eyeglobe rupture was caused by falling in 50% and by trauma in 35% of cases. Initial visual acuity was no light perception 5 eyes,light perception 11 eyes,hand motion 8 eyes and counting fingers or over 2 eyes. Multiple regression analysis was made on age,extent of wound,initial visual acuity,number of surgical sessions,hyphema,vitreous hemorrhage,retinal detachment and subchoroidal hemorrhage. Result:Extent of retinal detachment prior to surgery was significantly correlated with final visual acuity. Conclusion:Extent of retinal detachment is a major prognostic factor in eyeglobe rupture.

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