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要約 目的:単独または硝子体手術と同時に行う白内障手術後の屈折安定性を,3種類のアクリル眼内レンズ間で比較した。対象と方法:対象は白内障単独手術を施行した107眼と硝子体同時手術を施行した123眼。眼内レンズはAlcon AcrySof® SN60WF,HOYA NY-60,HOYA YA-60BBRを挿入し,術後12か月までの屈折誤差の変化を比較した。結果:白内障単独手術と硝子体同時手術いずれにおいても3種類の眼内レンズで術後屈折は安定していた。硝子体同時手術後はどの眼内レンズでも約0.2D近視化した。結論:硝子体同時手術では近視化を考慮に入れて眼内レンズ度数の選択を行うべきである。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the state of refraction after cataract surgery with or without vitrectomy using 3 types of intraocular lens(IOL). Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 230 eyes that received cataract surgery or lens removal in the past 62 months. The series comprised 107 eyes of cataract and 123 eyes that received simultaneous vitrectomy for macular hole or epiretinal membrane. All the 230 eyes were inserted with either of 3 types of acrylic IOL. Cases were followed up for 12 months after surgery. Results:Postoperative refraction was stable throughout the series. Eyes that received simultaneous vitrectomy showed a shift towards myopia by an average of 0.2 diopters. Conclusion:Power of IOL ought to be determined with the probable myopic shift in mind when planning lens removal with simultaneous vitrectomy.

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