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要約 目的:Vogt柵(palisades of Vogt)の上方,水平,下方輪部での特徴と結膜下出血後の変化の報告。対象と方法:外来患者89名134眼を対象とした。年齢は6~93歳である。さらに結膜下出血で受診した48例48眼を検索した。年齢は7~91歳である。角膜輪部を上方,瞼裂部,下方の順に細隙灯顕微鏡に装着したカメラで動画を撮影し,画面上で計測した。計測値は全眼数に対する割合(%)で表現した。結果:上方,瞼裂部,下方の順に表現すると,Vogt柵は並列柵状が91%,1%,93%で,縮緬皺状が9%,99%,7%であった。0.5mm当たりの平均本数は,3.8,4.2,4.0で,長さは2.0mm,1.4mm,1.4mmであった。虹彩反帰光線で照明される長さは,1.3mm,0.5mm,0.7mmで,血管新生は11%,14%,17%にあり,色素沈着は9%,2%,23%であった。上方の輪部のVogt柵上に格子状混濁と水玉模様があった。結膜下出血の部位にはVogt柵が見え,隣接する非出血部位には見えなかった。結膜下出血があるときに見えたVogt柵は,出血が消退した後には見えなかった。結論:Vogt柵は上方と下方の輪部では柵状で,瞼裂部では皺状である。Vogt柵の数と長さは年齢と有意に相関して減少する。Vogt柵は上方で有意に長い。結膜下出血時に見えるVogt柵は出血消退後では見えなくなる。
Abstract. Purpose:To describe the characteristics of palisades of Vogt in normal eyes and in eyes during or after subconjunctival hemorrhage. Cases and Methods:This study was made on 134 eyes of 89 persons. They were aged from 6 to 93 years. Another study was made on 48 eyes of 48 patients who had subconjunctival hemorrhage. The age ranged from 7 to 91 years. Videophotography was made on the limbus in superior, horizontal and inferior sectors. Results:Palisades were straight in 91%, 1% and 7% in the superior, horizontal and inferior sector respectively. They were wrinkled in 9%, 99% and 7% of eyes respectively. The number averaged 3.8, 4.2 and 4.0 in each sector. Their length averaged 2.0 mm, 1.4 mm and 1.4 mm respectively. Retroillumination showed their length to be 1.3 mm, 0.5 mm and 0.7 mm respectively. Neovascularization was present in 11%, 14% and 17% for each sector. They were pigmented in 9%, 2% and 23% of eyes in each sector. Palisades of Vogt showed lattice or bubble pattern in the superior sector. They were visible at the site of subconjunctival hemorrhage and were not visible in adjacent areas. They became invisible after absorption of hemorrhage. Conclusion:Palisades of Vogt assume a parallel pattern in superior and inferior sectors and assume a wrinkled pattern in the horizontal sector. Their number and length decrease along with aging. They are significantly longer in the superior sector. They become invisible after absorption of subconjuncvtival hemorrhage.

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