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要約 目的:白内障同時硝子体手術では,術前予測屈折値に対する術後屈折値の近視化が報告されている。今回,筆者らは白内障手術および白内障同時硝子体手術において術前後の角膜屈折値を検討したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:A myopic shift arter phacovitrectomy has been reported. Herein, we report the assessment of difference of keratometry values between pre- and postoperative cataract surgery and phacovitrectomy.
Subjects and methods:We investigated 50 eyes of 34 patients(mean age, 74.4±6.8 years)who underwent cataract surgery and 52 eyes of 52 patients(mean age, 66.2±8.3 years)who underwent phacovitrectomy. Keratometry was performed before surgery and a month after the operation using IOL master® in each group.
Results:The preoperative mean keratometry value was 44.2±1.2D, and the postoperative mean keratometry value was 44.2±1.3D in cataract surgery, with a mean refractive error of −0.01±0.56D. In contrast, the preoperative mean keratometry value was 43.8±1.4D, and the postoperative mean keratometry value was 44.0±1.3D in phacovitrectomy, with a mean refractive error of −0.72±0.62D(P<0.05).
Conclusion:The difference in pre- and postoperative keratometry might be a possible cause of the postoperative refractive error.

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