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要約 目的:白内障手術中に内視鏡で観察した毛様体と虹彩後面の所見の報告。対象と方法:過去42か月間に白内障手術を行った1,287眼を対象とした。男性519眼,女性768眼で,平均年齢は73歳であった。緑内障が113眼(8.9%)にあった。水晶体除去後に眼科用内視鏡を強角膜創から挿入し,下方120°の毛様体と周辺網膜を観察した。結果:毛様体突起部の腫瘤が17眼(1.3%),毛様体扁平部の囊胞が124眼(9.6%)にあった。腫瘤と囊胞のいずれの頻度にも性差はなく,緑内障の併発との関連はなかった。腫瘤の有無については年齢差がなく,囊胞は高年齢者に有意に多かった(p<0.05)。結論:毛様体扁平部の囊胞の発症機序に加齢が関与している可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report endoscopic findings of the ciliary body and posterior surface of the iris during cataract surgery. Cases and Method:This study was made on 1,287 eyes that received cataract surgery during the past 42 months. The series comprised 519 male and 768 female eyes. The age averaged 73 years. An endoscope was inserted just after removal of lens nucleus to observe the ciliary body and the posterior surface of the iris in the inferior sector subtending 120 degrees. Results:Nodules in the pars plicata were present in 17 eyes(1.3%). Cysts in the pars plana were present in 124 eyes(9.6%). Incidence of nodule or cyst was not correlated with sex or presence of glaucoma. Incidence of nodule showed no correlation with age. Cysts were significantly more frequent in aged persons(p<0.05). Conclusion:Ageing may be one of causative factors for cysts in the pars plana of the ciliary body.

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