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要約 目的:眼内内視鏡で観察した毛様体扁平部囊胞に関する知見の報告。対象と方法:過去3年間に白内障手術を行った883眼を対象とした。男性377眼,女性506眼で,水晶体核を除去した後,上方の強角膜創から内視鏡を挿入し,水晶体囊越しに毛様体扁平部を観察した。結果:囊胞は66眼(7.5%)にあり,うち8眼(12.1%)では両眼性であった。囊胞の存在率は男性10.9%,女性4.9%であり,有意差があった(p<0.05)。平均年齢は囊胞群74.2歳,無囊胞群73.3歳で有意差はなかった。高血圧は囊胞群の53%,無囊胞群の27.5%にあり,有意差があった(p<0.05)。両眼に囊胞がある8眼中7眼(87.5%)に高血圧があった。結論:白内障患者での毛様体囊胞は男性に多く,高血圧者に多い。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the incidence and related factors for cyst of ciliary body as observed by endoscope. Cases and Method:This study was made on 883 eyes that received cataract surgery during a 3-year-period. The series comprised 377 males and 506 females. An endoscope was inserted after removal of lens nucleus. Pars plicata and plana was observed through the lens cortex. Results:Cyst of ciliary body was detected in 66 eyes(7.5%). It was bilateral in 8 cases(12.1%). It was present in 10.9% males and in 4.9% of females. The difference was significant(p<0.05). The age averaged 74.2 years in persons with cyst and 73.3 years in those without. Systemic hypertension was present in 53% of persons with cyst and in 27.5% of those without. The difference was significant. Conclusion:Ciliary cyst was more frequent in males and in persons with systemic hypertension.

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