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要約 目的:急性涙腺炎を初発症状とした眼部帯状疱疹の1例の報告。症例:82歳女性が2日前からの右眼周囲の痛みで受診した。圧痛を伴う右眼瞼の発赤と腫脹があり,皮疹はなかった。磁気共鳴画像検査(MRI)の所見から急性涙腺炎を疑い,抗生物質を点滴した。4日後に涙腺腫脹が増悪し,その2日後に右角膜上皮に点状混濁と前房炎症が生じ,抗ウイルス薬治療を開始した。さらに2日後に右前額部に痂皮を伴う皮疹とびらんが生じ,帯状疱疹と診断した。初診から15日後に涙腺炎,前房の炎症,皮疹は寛解した。結論:典型的な皮疹や眼病変がなく,抗生物質に反応しない急性涙腺炎では,稀ではあるが眼部帯状疱疹による可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of herpes zoster ophthalmicus presenting acute dacryoadenitis as the initial manifestation. Case:An 82-year-old female presented with right periocular pain since 2 days before. Her right eye showed hyperemia and swelling with no eruption. Findings by magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)were suggestive of acute dacryoadenitis and led to systemic treatment with antibiotics. Swelling of lacrimal gland exacerbated 4 days later. The right eye showed punctate lesions in the corneal epithelium and signs of inflammation in the anterior chamber 2 days later. Treatment with antiviral medications was started. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus was diagnosed another 2 days later after the right forehead showed rash with scarring and erosion. Signs of dacryoadenitis,inflammation in the anterior chamber and skin lesions subsided 15 days after her initial visit. Conclusion:This case illustrates that herpes zoster ophthalmicus may manifest,initially,signs of acute dacryoadenitis resistant to antibiotics without typical rash or ocular manifestations.

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