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要約 目的:眼窩底骨折に対する上顎洞バルーン挿入術の合併症の報告。対象と方法:過去2年間に眼窩底骨折に対し,眼窩下縁の皮膚切開による骨折整復と上顎洞バルーン挿入術を受けた149例の診療録を検索した。年齢は15歳以上に限定した。バルーンは生理食塩水で拡張し,約2週間留置したのちに抜去した。結果:バルーンによる合併症は5例(3.3%)に生じた。バルーン抜去前の合併症は,バルーン破裂が2例,高眼圧が2例で,抜去後の合併症として上顎炎が1例に生じた。結論:眼窩底骨折に対する骨折整復と上顎洞バルーン挿入術は,術後早期に異常がなければ視機能に障害がなく,安全で有効である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report complications of treatment of orbital floor fracture with adjunct use of balloon inserted in the maxillary sinus. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 149 cases of orbital floor fracture treated during the past 2 years. Excluded were cases aged less than 14 years. As a standard procedure,the orbital floor was replaced through anterior transcutaneous approach. A balloon was then inserted into the maxillary sinus,was expanded by physiological saline,and was removed 2 weeks later. Results:Clinical course was uneventful in all the cases except 5 cases(3.3%). The balloon ruptured in 2 cases,the intraocular pressure was elevated in 2 cases,and maxillary sinusitis developed after removal of balloon in one case. Conclusion:Surgical treatment of orbital floor fracture with adjunct use of balloon was safe and effective when there was no or minimal disorders shortly after surgery.

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