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要約 目的:重症未熟児でインスリン様成長因子-1(IGF-1)と血管内皮増殖因子(VEGF)を測定した報告。症例:女児の眼科的管理を日齢24から始めた。在胎27週1日で生まれ,出生時体重は409gであった。日齢87に両眼の未熟児網膜症がzone Ⅱ,stage 3になり,光凝固を行った。日齢108に両眼にベバシズマブを硝子体内投与した。日齢214に右眼輪状締結術,左眼硝子体手術,両眼光凝固追加を行い,最終的に良好な経過になった。結果:生直後から日齢108までIGF-1は20ng/ml以下であった。生直後から日齢77までVEGFは215~440pg/mlであり,日齢84に1,320pg/mlになった。結論:重症未熟児でのIGF-1とVEGF濃度は,修正週数約40週までは低値であり,以後VEGF濃度が上昇した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1)and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)in an infant with severe retinopathy of prematurity(ROP). Case:A female infant was born at the gestational age of 27 weeks weighing 409 g. Ophthalmological control was started on day 24 after birth. The ROP developed to zone Ⅱ stage 3 on day 87 needing photocoagulation. Both eyes received intravitreal bevacizumab on day 108. Right eye received encircling,left eye received vitrectomy,both eyes received photocoagulation on day 214 with eventually favorable outcome. Findings:Serum level of IGF-1 was below 20 ng/ml from birth until day 108. Level of VEGF was between 215 and 440 pg/ml until day 77 and increased to 1,320 pg/ml on day 84. Conclusion:Serum level of IGF-1 and VEGF in this prematurely born infant remained very low until the adjusted gestational age of 40 weeks. Level of VEGF started to increase thereafter.

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