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neuroectodermal tumorの頭蓋外転移は稀で,0.4%8)ともいわれている.転移部は主に肺,リンパ節,骨,肝で,術後の術創部よりの直接浸潤を除けば,腫瘍部より硬膜をこえて隣接する組織への破壊的浸潤を呈することすら,比較的稀である.
Two cases of glioblastoma involving orbit and ma-xillary sinus are presented.
Case 1: A 49-year-old male was admitted on May 20, 1982, with complaints of headache and impairment of memory. On July 27, 1982, operation was carried out. The tumor in the left temporal lobe was totally removed, and he subsequently received chemotherapy and irradiation. The postoperative course was un-eventful. On Oct. 26, 1983, he was readmitted with complaints of disturbance of gait and memory. A CT scan revealed no local recurrence of the tumor but a diffusely enhanced mass in orbit and maxillary sinus.

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