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要約 目的:視神経部分低形成と診断した7症例の報告。症例と方法:7例9眼を視神経部分低形成と診断した。いずれも緑内障専門医が経過観察中の患者であり,男性1例,女性6例で,年齢は23~77歳(平均48歳)であった。診断は視野欠損の形態と,Kimら(1989年)が提唱した眼底所見に基づいて行った。所見:全例に母親の糖尿病歴はなく,6例が近視眼であった。4例に緑内障としての治療歴があり,うち3例は緑内障,1例は高眼圧であった。低形成の部位は,上方3眼,鼻側4眼,上方と鼻側の合併が2眼であった。結論:視神経部分低形成は乳頭上方以外にも生じ,緑内障の併発が多い。
Abstract. Purpose:To report seven cases of segmental optic nerve hypoplasia. Cases and Method:Nine eyes of 7 patients were diagnosed as segmental optic nerve hypoplasia. All were being followed up by a glaucoma specialist. The series comprised 1 male and 6 females. The age ranged from 23 to 77 years,average 48 years. The diagnosis was made on characteristic shape of visual field defect and fundus findings described by Kim et al(1989). Findings:Maternal diabetes mellitus was absent throughout the series. Six cases were myopic. Four cases had been treated as glaucoma. Further studies identified 3 cases as glaucoma and 1 case as ocular hypertension. Optic nerve hypoplasia was located superiorly in 3 eyes,nasally in 4 eyes,and superior-nasally in 2 eyes. Conclusion:Segmental optic nerve hypoplasia may involve superior and other sector of the disc. Glaucoma may often accompany this condition.

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