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要約 目的:低眼圧眼に対するICare®眼圧計の信頼性の報告。対象と方法:緑内障に対して線維柱帯切除術または線維柱帯切開術後に,ICare®眼圧計で9mmHg以下の眼圧を示した44眼の眼圧をGoldmann圧平眼圧計で測定した。結果:眼圧平均値と標準偏差は,ICare®では7.1±1.6mmHg,圧平眼圧計では8.6±2.5mmHgであり,有意差があった(p<0.01)。両者間には強い正の相関があり,単回帰分析でy=1.300x-0.679の一次式が成立した。44眼中33眼では圧平眼圧計による測定値のほうが高かった。結論:9mmHg以下の低眼圧時では,ICare®眼圧計による測定値が圧平眼圧計よりも低い値を示すことがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the reliability of ICare®rebound tonometer in eyes with hypotony. Cases and Method:This study was made on 44 eyes that showed intraocular pressure(IOP)of 9 mmHg or lower by ICare®tonometer after filtrating surgery for glaucoma. These eyes were then measured by Goldmann applanation tonometer. Results:IOP averaged 7.1±1.6mmHg by ICare®and 8.6±2.5 mmHg by applanation. The difference was significant(p<0.01). A positive correlation was present between the two methods with the linear equation of y=1.300x-0.679 by regression analysis. IOP by applanation was higher than ICare®in 33 out of 44 eyes. Conclusion:ICare®may show lower IOP values than applanation in hypotonic eyes.

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