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要約 目的:緑内障眼でのGoldmann圧平眼圧計とICare(R)眼圧計(以下,ICare)による測定値の比較。対象と方法:ICareで21mmHg以上を示した緑内障または高眼圧患者32例44眼を対象とした。男性14例,女性18例であり,年齢は18~73歳(平均54歳)であった。結果:圧平眼圧計による測定値xは平均25.2mmHg,ICareによる測定値yは平均25.7mmHgで,両者間には有意差がなく,単回帰分析でy=0.8541x+4.1747の正の相関があった。38眼(86%)で両測定値の差が3mmHg以内であり,(y-x)は0.41±2.30mmHg(平均値±標準偏差)であった。結論:圧平眼圧計による測定が困難な緑内障または高眼圧眼に対しても,ICareはスクリーニングとして使用可能である。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare intraocular pressure(IOP)measured by Goldmann applanation and ICare rebound tonometers in eyes with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Objects and Method:This prospective study was made on 44 eyes of 32 patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. All had IOP readings of 21mmHg or higher by ICare tonometer. The series comprised 14 males and 18 females. The ages ranged from 18 to 73,average 54 years. Results:IOP readings averaged 25.2mmHg by Goldmann tonometer(x)and 25.7mmHg by ICare tonometer(y). There was no significant difference between the two methods. Simple linear regression analysis showed a linear equation of y=0.8541x+4.1747. The difference between the two readings,or y-x,was 0.41±2.30mmHg(mean±standard deviation). It was within±3mmHg in 38 eyes(86%). Conclusion:ICare tonometer promises to be of value in screening eyes for glaucoma or ocular hypertension as substitute for Goldmann tonometer.

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