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要約 目的:ぶどう膜炎の発症と経過などに及ぼす月経の影響の報告。対象と方法:ぶどう膜炎で通院中の女性54名に,月経周期とぶどう膜炎の自覚症状について問診を行った。年齢は12~51歳(平均31歳)で,内訳はサルコイドーシス8名,原田病8名,Behçet病7名,特発性ぶどう膜炎26名,その他5名である。結果:9名(17%)が月経がぶどう膜炎の自覚症状に関係すると答えた。うち8名では月経直前から月経期間中に症状が悪化した。54名中8名にぶどう膜炎の発症後に妊娠した経験があり,うち出産した5名全例で出産後にぶどう膜炎が一時的に悪化した。結論:ぶどう膜炎がある女性では,月経周期により女性ホルモン動態が変化し,ぶどう膜炎の発症または経過に影響する可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the influence of menstruation on the onset and severity of uveitis. Cases and Method:This study was made on 54 women who were attending our uveitis clinic. The age ranged from 12 to 51 years,average 31 years. The series comprised ocular sarcoidosis 8 cases,Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease 8 cases,Behçet disease 7 cases,idiopathic uveitis 26 cases,and others 5 cases. They were asked if and how subjective findings of uveitis depended on the menstrual cycle. Results:Nine patients(17%)responded that subjective findings of uveitis depended on menstruation. Eight of them thought that uveitis exacerbated just before or during menstruation. Eight of 54 women had a history of pregnancy after onset of uveitis. Five women gave birth. All of them thought that uveitis exacerbated just after delivery. Conclusion:Onset or severity of uveitis in women may be dependent on the menstrual cycle. Changes in female hormones may be involved in this phenomenon.

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