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要約 目的:東京医科歯科大学病院眼科における梅毒性ぶどう膜炎の臨床像を検討する。
結果:11例19眼(男性9名,女性2名,平均年齢43±12歳)が対象となった。両眼性は8例,片眼性は3例であった。炎症部位の解剖学的分類では汎ぶどう膜炎(57.9%)が最多であり,眼所見では網膜血管炎(73.7%)が最多であった。梅毒性ぶどう膜炎に特異的なacute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitisは1眼のみであった。治療は抗菌薬点滴静脈投与が7例,内服が1例,点滴静脈投与と内服の併用が2例,点滴静脈投与と筋肉注射の併用が1例であった。平均矯正視力は初診時0.44から最終0.89に有意に向上した。最終矯正視力が1.0未満の原因は網膜外層萎縮が3例4眼,囊胞様黄斑浮腫が2例3眼,後発白内障が1例1眼,後囊下白内障が2例2眼であった。
Abstract Purpose:This study aimed to investigate the clinical features of syphilitic uveitis at the Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital.
Patients and Methods:This study included patients who visited our clinic between January 2013 and December 2022, tested positive on both non-treponemal and treponemal blood tests, and exhibited symptoms consistent with syphilitic uveitis. We retrospectively reviewed their medical charts to collect data on ocular findings, blood test results, administered anti-syphilitic treatments, and visual prognosis.
Results:Nineteen eyes(11 patients:nine men, two women;mean age, 43 years)were enrolled. Eight patients presented with bilateral disease, while three had unilateral involvement. Panuveitis was the most common anatomic classification(57.9%)with retinal vasculitis being the predominant ocular finding(73.7%). Acute syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinitis, a typical sign of syphilitic uveitis, was identified in only one eye. Antibiotic therapy was administered intravenously to seven patients, orally to one patient, both intravenously and orally to two patients, and both intravenously and intramuscularly to one patient. The average decimal visual acuity of 0.44 significantly improved to 0.89 on the final assessment. The causes of a final best-corrected visual acuity of less than 1.0 included outer retinal atrophy in three patients(four eyes), cystoid macular edema in two patients(three eyes), aftercataract in one patient(one eye), and posterior subcapsular opacification in two patients(two eyes).
Conclusions:Syphilitic uveitis manifests with nonspecific clinical findings, emphasizing the importance of its early diagnosis and treatment to improve visual acuity.

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