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要約 目的:感染性角膜炎が発症したコンタクトレンズ装用者が使っている保存液を検索した報告。対象と方法:過去7年間に感染性角膜炎が発症したコンタクトレンズ使用者20例21眼を対象とした。男性15眼,女性6眼で,年齢は15~58歳(平均27歳)である。20眼がソフトコンタクトレンズを用いていた。13眼は受診前に他医で治療を受けていた。病巣部の角膜擦過物とコンタクトレンズ保存液の鏡検または培養を行った。結果:8眼の病巣と13眼の保存液から菌が検出された。緑膿菌が最も多かった。検出菌を参考に治療し,それぞれ8眼中6眼(75%)と13眼中11眼(85%)で軽快した。両群間に有意差はなかった。結論:コンタクトレンズ保存液から分離された病原菌は,感染性角膜炎の治療の参考になる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report pathogenic microorganisms isolated from contact lens(CL)wearers with infectious keratitis. Cases and Method:This study was made on 21 eyes of 20 CL wearers who were treated for infectious keratitis during the past 7 years. The series comprised 15 male and 6 female eyes. The age ranged from 15 to 58 years,average 27 years. Soft CL was used in 20 eyes. Thirteen eyes had been treated elsewhere before visiting us. Corneal smears and CL storage cases were examined directly or after culture for microorganisms. Results:Microorganisms were isolated from corneal smear in 8 eyes and from CL storage case in 13 eyes. Pseudomonas was most frequently present. Findings by bacterial study were used as guide in deciding therapeutic modalities. Keratitis improved in 6 out of 8 eyes(75%)and in 11 out of 13 eyes(85%). There was no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion:Pathogenic microorganisms from CL storage case serve as a useful guide in deciding the therapeutic method.
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