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要約 目的:眼瞼と顔面に基底細胞癌が多発した症例の報告。症例:70歳女性が右の上眼瞼と下眼瞼の腫瘍で受診した。農業に従事し,悪性腫瘍,砒素摂取,放射線治療などの前歴はなかった。所見:上眼瞼の腫瘍は縁が隆起し,5mm×3mmの大きさで,下眼瞼の腫瘍は扁平黒色で,4mm×2mmの大きさであった。生検で基底細胞癌と診断した。以後10年間に上下眼瞼に6個,左頰部,上口唇,前額部に各1個,合計9個の腫瘍が発症し,いずれも切除した。診断はいずれも基底細胞癌であった。結論:基底細胞癌は多発することがあり,注意が必要である。本症例ではその誘因として,長期にわたっての日光曝露,特に紫外線の影響が推定された。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case who developed multiple basal cell carcinoma on the eyelids and the face. Case:A 70-year-old female presented with a tumor of the upper and lower right eyelid. She had been engaged in agriculture. She had no history of malignancy,intake of arsenics,or radiation. Findings:The tumor of the upper eyelid showed an elevated margin and was 5 mm by 3 mm in size. The tumor of the lower eyelid was black and flat and was 4 mm by 2 mm in size. Biopsy showed the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma. She developed 6 tumors on the eyelids and one each on the left cheek,upper lip,and forehead during the ensuing 10 years. The tumor was resected at each occasion and proved to be basal cell carcinoma. Conclusion:The present case illustrates that basal cell carcinoma may recur heterotopically. Prolonged exposure to sunlight,particularly to ultraviolet,is suspected as an underlying cause in this patient.

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