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要約 目的:Octopus視野計の3種類の方法で緑内障眼を測定比較した報告。対象と方法:開放隅角緑内障26例26眼を対象とした。男性15例,女性11例で,平均年齢は59歳である。Octopus視野計のtendency-oriented algorismで,white-on-white(WW),blue-on-yellow(BY),flicker(CFF)で測定した。測定値はWWを基準として比較した。結果:3種の平均異常測定点数間に有意差がなかった。WWとの5%以下の一致率は,BYで66.3%,CFFで62.8%であり,0.5%以下ではそれぞれ62.8%,61.0%であった。結論:WWで検出した異常点のうち30~40%はBYまたはCFFで検出されず,両者の緑内障の視野異常検出度は必ずしも高いとはいえない。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare findings by 3 methods by Octopus perimetry in glaucoma eyes. Cases and Method:This study was made on 26 eyes of 26 glaucoma patients comprising 15 males and 11 females. The age averaged 59 years. Octopus perimeter was used to document white-on-white(WW),blue-on-yellow(BY)and critical fusion frequency(CFF)by tendency-oriented perimetry algorism. Findings by BY and CFF were compared with that by WW. Results:No significant differences were present among averaged depressed points by WW,BY and CFF. Correspondence by 5% or less was 66.3% between WW and BY and 62.8% between WW and CFF. That by 0.5% or less was 62.8% and 61.0% respectively. Conclusion:Perimetry by BY or CFF failed to show in 30% to 40% of abnormal points by WW. BY or CFF is not sensitive enough in the detection of glaucomatous visual field loss.
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