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要約 目的:耳側楔状視野欠損を呈する症例に多い臨床的特徴の報告。対象と方法:耳側楔状視野欠損を呈する22例35眼を対象とした。男性10例18眼,女性12例17眼で,年齢は26~78歳(平均57歳)である。内訳は緑内障17眼,乳頭陥凹14眼,偽乳頭浮腫4眼であった。結果:屈折は-1D~-17D(平均-5.4D)で,29眼(83%)が-3D以上の近視であった。乳頭が小さく,鼻側境界が不整または蒼白な例が多く,鼻側の乳頭網膜神経線維層厚が30眼(86%)で広範に減少していた。先天性視神経鼻側低形成と緑内障の合併例が多かった。結論:近視眼で鼻側境界が不整な耳側に傾斜した小乳頭は,耳側楔状視野欠損に特徴的である。先天性視神経鼻側低形成は緑内障に併発することがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report clinical features common to wedge-shaped temporal visual field defect. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 35 eyes of 22 patients with wedge-shaped temporal visual field defect. The series comprised 18 eyes of 10 males and 17 eyes of 12 females. The age ranged from 26 to 78 years,average 57 years. Seventeen eyes had glaucoma,14 had disc excavation,and 4 had pseudopapilledema. Results:The refraction ranged from -1 to -17 diopters,average -5.4 diopters. Twenty-nine eyes(83%)had myopia greater than -3 diopters. The majority had small optic disc with irregular or pale nasal disc margin. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness was reduced in nasal sector in 30 eyes(86%). Many cases had glaucoma and congenital nasal hypoplasia of optic disc. Conclusion:Small optic disc with blurred and pale nasal margin and myopia is characteristic for wedge-shaped temporal visual field defect. Glaucoma may be present in nasal hypoplasia of optic disc.

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