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(18-レセ-2-33) 2ポート硝子体切除を併用した眼内レンズ毛様体扁平部縫着術を試み,術後屈折誤差と合併症について従来の毛様溝縫着術と比較検討した。対象は,眼内レンズ毛様体扁平部縫着術偏平部群)5眼,毛様溝縫着術(毛様溝群)5眼,そして合併症なく眼内レンズが嚢内固定された超音波乳化吸引術(嚢内固定群)7眼であった。術後屈折誤差の絶対値の平均は,扁平部群が0.63Dで,毛様溝群の2.06Dに比べて有意に少なく,かつ嚢内固定群0.49Dと同等であった。合併症はほぼ同様であったが,毛様溝群の1眼に瞳孔捕獲がみられた。毛様体扁平部縫着は,従来の毛様溝縫着よりも屈折誤差の少ない術式と考えられる。
We performed pars plana intraocular lens (IOL) suture fixation in 5 eyes (pars plana group). The postoperative refractive errors and complications were compared with 5 eyes which underwent IOL sulcus suture fixation (sulcus group) and 7 eyes with phacoemulcification-aspiration and IOL implantation (in the bag group). At 3 months after surgery, the mean refractive error was 0.63 D diopters (D) in the pars plana group. It was significantly less than that in the sulcus group (2.06 D) and almost equal to that in the bag group (0.49 D) . There was no difference in the frequency of complica-tions between the pars plana and the sulcus group. The findings show that pars plana IOL fixation has less postoperative refractive error without increasing in complications than sulcus IOL suture fixation.

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