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要約 目的:術後にチオテパ点眼を用いた翼状片手術の報告。対象と方法:過去6年間に行った翼状片手術のうち,術後1年以上経過を追えた143例160眼を対象とした。術式として,結膜下組織の広範な切除を伴う単純切除を行った。術後,抗菌薬とステロイド点眼とともに,チオテパを1日4回点眼し,平均20.2日使用した。輪部を越えて角膜に血管を伴う組織が侵入したものを再発とした。結果:再発が4眼(2.5%)にあり,うち1眼は再手術を必要とした。チオテパ点眼による副作用はなく,術後の瘢痕形成や充血はなく,美容的にもほとんど問題がなかった。結論:翼状片の単純切除後にチオテパを点眼することにより,再発をほとんど防ぐことができた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the long-term outcome of surgery for pterygium with postoperative use of thiotepa. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 160 eyes of 143 patients who received surgery for pterygium and who could be followed up for one year or longer. Surgical procedure involved simple resection of pterygium with extensive removal of subconjunctival tissue. After surgery, patients received topical instillation of thiotepa 4 times daily for an average of 20.2 days in addition to instillation of antibiotics and corticosteroid. Recurrence was defined as neovascularization into the cornea over the limbus. Results:Pterygium recurred in 4 eyes(2.5%), of which one eye needed another surgery. Complications due to thiotepa was absent throughout. No case showed scarring or hyperemia after surgery. Cosmetic outcome was also excellent. Conclusion:Instillation of thiotepa was effective in preventing recurrence after surgery for pterygium.

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