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要約 目的:一過性に網膜滲出斑が生じたacute zonal occult outer retinopathy(AZOOR)の症例の報告。症例:38歳女性が右眼中心暗点で受診した。5日前に突発性のめまいと吐き気があった。右眼に-9.0D,左眼に-6.0Dの近視があり,矯正視力はそれぞれ0.3と1.2であった。右眼の網膜深層に灰白色の淡い滲出斑が多発していた。蛍光眼底造影では異常がなく,視野にMariotte盲点の拡大があった。5日後に滲出斑は消失し,光視症が出現した。網膜電図で右眼のa波とb波の振幅が低下していた。5週間後に視力は1.0に回復し,盲点拡大はなくなり,網膜電図が正常化した。結論:本症例は非典型的なAZOORであったと考えられる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a presumed case of acute zonal occult outer retinopathy(AZOOR). Case and Findings:A 38-year-old female presented with central scotoma in her right eye. She had had dizziness and nausea 5 days before. Her corrected visual acuity was 0.3 right and 1.2 left when corrected with -9.0 and -6.0 diopters respectively. Numerous white dots were present in the deeper retinal layer in the right eye. Fluorescein angiography showed normal findings. Perimetry showed enlarged blind spot. Retinal exudates disappeared spontaneously 5 days later, followed by photopsia. Electroretinogram(ERG)showed decreased amplitudes of a and b waves. Visual acuity improved to 1.0 5 weeks later with normalized blind spot and ERG findings. Conclusion:The present case is regarded as an atypical instance of AZOOR.

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