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要約 目的:原発性眼内悪性リンパ腫が疑われ,放射線療法が奏効した症例の報告。症例:79歳男性が左眼に白内障手術を受けた。その3か月後から左眼前眼部に炎症が繰り返した。さらに3か月後に網膜下の滲出物,網膜血管炎が生じ,視力が指数弁になった。結果:以後7か月間に2回の硝子体手術と放射線照射を行った。病変は消失し,視力は0.3に回復した。硝子体細胞診でclass Ⅳのリンパ球系腫瘍細胞があり,硝子体中のインターロイキン10/6の比が1以上であった。こられの所見と臨床経過から原発性眼内悪性リンパ腫が強く疑われた。結論:原発性眼内悪性リンパ腫はしばしば予後不良の疾患であるので,細胞診で診断が確定しなくても,診断的治療として放射線療法を行うことが有用である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a suspected case of primary intraocular malignant lymphoma that responded to radiation therapy. Case:A 79-year-old male underwent cataract surgery in his left eye. Anterior uveitis started to recur in the left eye 3 months later. After another 3 months, retinal vasculitis with subretinal exudates appeared with visual acuity reduced to counting fingers. Results:After 2 sessions of vitreous surgery and radiation during the ensuing 7 months, the intraocular lesion subsided with visual acuity improving to 0.3. Vitreous cytology showed class Ⅳ lymphocytic tumor cells. Interleukin(IL)10/IL6 ratio was greater than 1. These findings and the clinical course were strongly suggestive of primary intraocular malignant lymphoma. Conclusion:Primary intraocular malignant lymphoma may result in poor outcome when central nervous system is involved. Radiation may be useful as a means of diagnosis and treatment in suspected cases.

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