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要約 目的:白内障手術の各段階での時間を測定し,研修医に対する手術の習熟目標を設定すること。対象と方法:過去2年間に合併症なしに白内障手術が行われた40眼を対象とした。20眼については7年の手術経験がある1名の標準術者,他の20眼については経験年数が1~2年の2名の研修中の術者により行われた。全手術を撮影記録し,白内障手術を9段階に区切り,その各段階に必要とした時間を測定した。結果:標準術者の全手術時間は16.3±2.3分であり,研修中の術者のそれは27.5±4.6分と有意に長かった(p<0.001)。標準術者は超音波乳化吸引で最も時間を要し,症例毎の時間変動が大きかった。研修中の術者は前囊切開と皮質吸引でも時間を要し,変動が大きかった。眼内レンズ挿入時間は両者間で同じであった。結論:白内障手術の各段階の時間とばらつきを計測することで,手術訓練の問題点を明確にし手術の質を向上できる。
Abstract. Purpose:To improve the curriculum for resident surgeons by measuring the time needed for each step of cataract surgery. Object and Method:This study was made on 40 cases that received uneventful cataract surgery during the past 2 years. Twenty eyes were operated on by an experienced surgeon with 7 years' training. The other 20 eyes were operated on by 2 residents during the second year of training. All the surgical processes were recorded on an electronic device. The record was analyzed as to the time needed for each of 9 steps of surgery. Results:The duration of surgery by the experienced surgeon averaged 16.3±2.3 minutes. That by residents averaged 27.5±4.6 minutes. The difference was significant(p<0.001). The experienced surgeon spent the longest and varying time for phacoemulsification-aspiration. The residents spent,additionally,long and varying time for capsulorrhexis and aspiration of cortex. There was no difference between the two groups as to the time needed for intraocular lens implantation. Conclusion:Time analysis of each step of cataract surgery may contribute to improved program for surgeons in training.

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