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要約 目的:角膜感染症での塗抹物鏡検の結果の報告と評価。対象:過去2年間に入院して加療した重症角膜感染症44例46眼を対象とした。男性28眼,女性18眼で,平均年齢は49.2±24.7歳である。塗抹物の鏡検と培養結果を比較した。結果:塗抹の鏡検では32眼中19眼(59%),培養では44眼中26眼(59%)で陽性であった。両検査を同時に行った32眼では,両検査ともに陽性が14眼,陰性が9眼で,計23眼(72%)で結果が一致した。陽性となった病原微生物では,塗抹の鏡検では真菌が7眼(22%),培養では細菌が11眼(34%)と頻度が最も高かった。結論:角膜感染症では塗抹の鏡検と培養は相補的な関係にある。塗抹の直接鏡検では短時間で病原微生物の有無が判定でき,培養検査と同時に行うことで,早期の診断と治療が可能になる。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of microscopic examination of smear in corneal infection. Cases:This retrospective study was made on 46 eyes of 44 patients who were admitted for severe corneal infection during the past 24 months. The series comprised 28 male and 18 female eyes,with average age of 49.2±24.7 years. Smears were examined under microscope and/or submitted to culture. Results:Pathogenic organisms were positive in 19 out of 32 eyes(59%)by microscopy and in 26 out of 44 eyes(59%)by culture. In 32 eyes that received both examinations,the findings were positive in 14 eyes and negative in 9 eyes,totaling 23 eyes(72%)by both methods. Fungus was most frequently detected in 7 eyes(22%)by microscopy and bacteria in 11 eyes(34%)by culture. Conclusion:Microscopy and culture of smear are both valuable by compensating each other. Microscopy of smear has the merit of early detection of pathogenic microorganisms.

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