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要約 目的:多局所視覚誘発電位(mVEP)で視機能を評価した球後視神経炎の症例の報告。症例と方法:29歳女性の右眼に視力低下が突発し,矯正視力は右0.02,左1.5であった。球後視神経炎と診断し,副腎皮質ステロイド薬のパルス療法で右眼視力は1.0に回復した。右眼が暗く見える感じのみが持続していた。発症から36か月後にmVEPで視機能を評価した。結果:矯正視力は左右眼とも1.5であり,ハンフリー視野計とハンフリーMATRIXで視野異常は検出されなかった。mVEPでは,左眼に比べ,右眼のすべての象限で頂点潜時が延長していた。結論:球後視神経炎に対してmVEPを使うことで,治療効果の判定を含む視機能が評価できる可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report evaluation of visual function in a case of retrobulbar neuritis by multifocal visual evoked potential(mVEP). Case and Method:A 29-year-old female presented with sudden decrease of visual acuity in her right eye. Her corrected visual acuity was 0.02 right and 1.5 left. She was diagnosed with acute retrobulbar neuritis. Pulsed corticosteroid therapy was followed by recovery of right vision to 1.0 one month later. She was examined 36 months after onset using mVEP. Results:The visual acuity was 1.5 in either eye. There was no abnormal finding by Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer or MATRIX perimetry. By mVEP,there was a delay of peak latency in all quadrants in the right eye compared to the left eye. Conclusion:In acute retrobulbar neuritis,mVEP may be useful in evaluating the visual function including therapeutic effects.

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