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要約 目的:日系人を含む日本人のアレルギー性結膜炎に対する0.1%オロパタジン点眼液と0.025%レボカバスチン点眼液の有効性と使用感の比較。対象と方法:アレルギー性結膜炎の既往がある20名を被検者とし,米国の2施設で,6週間にわたる抗原誘発試験を行った。男性14名,女性6名で,年齢は19~61歳(平均38歳)である。片眼に0.1%オロパタジン点眼液,他眼に0.025%レボカバスチン点眼液1滴を点眼し,その3.5時間後に予備検査で確認した至適濃度の抗原を両眼に点眼した。眼そう痒感と使用感は被検者が定量的に評価した。結果:オロパタジンはレボカバスチンよりも眼そう痒感を有意に抑制し(p<0.05),使用感も優れていた(p<0.05)。オロパタジンでは眼痛と灼熱感はなく,レボカバスチンでは眼痛が25%,灼熱感が20%にあった。被検者の75%がレボカバスチンよりもオロパタジンを好んだ。結論:オロパタジンはレボカバスチンよりも眼そう痒感を有意に抑制し,使用感も優れていた。
Abstract. Purpose:To compare the efficacy and comfort of 0.1% olopatadine hydrochloride and 0.025% levocabastine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution for allergic conjunctivitis in the Japanese. Cases and Method:This prospective clinical study was made on 20 Japanese and Japanese Americans. All had a history of allergic conjunctivitis. The series comprised 14 males and 6 females. Their age ranged from 19 to 61 years,average 38 years. One drop of 0.1% olopatadine hydrochloride was instilled in one eye. The fellow eye received one drop of 0.025% levocabastine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution. Both eyes received one drop each of allergen 210 minutes later. Comfort and effect were numerically evaluated by test persons. Results:Olopatadine induced greater reduction in itching and better comfort than levocabastine(p<0.05 each). Olopatadine induced no burning or stinging sensation throughout. Levocabastine induced stinging in 25% and burning in 20% of test persons. Olopatadine was preferred to levocabastine by 75% of test persons. Conclusion:Olopatadine was more effective than levocabastine in comfort and reducing itching.

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