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要約 目的:ぶどう膜炎を併発した多発性硬化症1症例の報告。症例と所見:65歳女性が歩行障害としびれ感などから多発性硬化症を疑われ,発症から10か月後に精査のため眼科に紹介された。矯正視力は右0.6,左0.9であり,両眼に毛様充血,虹彩炎,乳頭浮腫,網膜静脈炎,硝子体混濁があった。副腎皮質ステロイド薬の点眼と内服で病状は軽快し,5週後に視力は両眼とも1.0に改善した。全身検査でぶどう膜炎の原因疾患は検出できなかった。磁気共鳴画像検査(MRI)で,頸髄と胸髄に脱髄病巣の空間的ならびに時間的な多発があり,多発性硬化症の診断が確定した。結論:高齢者であっても多発性硬化症が発症し,ぶどう膜炎が併発することがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of multiple sclerosis with uveitis. Case and Findings:A 65-year-old female developed impaired gait and numbness in lower extremities. She was referred to us 10 months later under the tentative diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Her corrected visual acuity was 0.6 right and 0.9 left. Both eyes showed signs of anterior granulomatous uveitis,vitreous opacity,and retinal phlebitis. The findings subsided 5 weeks after topical and systemic corticosteroid with visual acuity recovering to 1.2 in either eye. Systemic examinations gave negative results regarding etiological diagnosis of uveitis. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)showed demyelination in the cervial and thoracic spinal cord. Conclusion:Multiple sclerosis associated with uveitis is a liability in persons of advanced age.

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