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要約 目的:副鼻腔手術後に起こった篩骨洞囊胞により鼻涙管通過障害が生じた症例の報告。症例:49歳男性が3か月前からの左眼流涙で受診した。左眼涙囊部に弾性軟の無痛性腫脹があった。CTで眼球を耳上側に圧排する直径2cmの腫瘤があり,眼窩膿瘍が疑われた。腫瘍部の経皮穿刺で排膿が得られた。2か月後に同一部位の腫瘤が再発した。問診で35年前に副鼻腔手術を受けていたことが判明した。耳鼻科で副鼻腔囊胞が篩骨洞囊胞になったことが確認された。内視鏡下で篩骨洞根治術が行われ,治癒が得られた。結論:副鼻腔囊胞が術後に篩骨洞囊胞になり,その晩期併発症として鼻涙管閉塞が生じることがある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of nasolacrimal duct obstruction due to ethmoidal sinus cyst secondary to paranasal surgery. Case:A 49-year-old man presented with epiphora in his left eye since 3 months before. An elastic-soft painless tumor was present in the left nasolacrimal sac area. Computed tomography(CT)showed a mass of 2cm in diameter displacing the eyeglobe superior-temporally. The finding was suggestive of orbital abscess. Puncture of the tumor resulted in drainage of pus-like fluid. The tumor recurred 2 months later. By further questioning, he had a history of paranasal surgery 35 years before. Rhinologic studies showed an ethmoidal cyst. Endoscopic surgery induced permanent cure with patent nasolacrimal duct. Conclusion:This case illustrates that obstruction of nasolacrimal duct may result from ethmoidal sinus cyst as a late complication of paranasal surgery.

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