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要約 44歳男性が2週間前に左上眼瞼部に腫瘤を自覚した。その後さらに腫瘤が増大して開瞼不能になり,当科を受診した。2年前に頭蓋内悪性リンパ腫に対して放射線照射を受け,寛解している。初診時には眼位と眼球運動に異常がなかったが,1週間後に左眼の眼球運動障害が生じた。確定診断と整容上の改善,ならびに視機能改善を目的として,眼球を保存しながら眼窩腫瘤摘出術を行い,開瞼可能になった。摘出組織の病理所見は,悪性リンパ腫(diffuse large B cell lymphoma)であった。また全身的検査で他臓器への播種が認められたために,化学療法を開始し,眼局所を含めて著明な改善が得られた。全身転移があっても,眼窩腫瘍摘出で患者のQOLが向上した1例である。
Abstract. A 44-year-old male noted a tumor in the left upper eyelid area 2 weeks before. He had been diagnosed with intracranial malignant lymphoma 2 years before and been successfully treated by radiation. When first seen by us,the left eye showed normal position and movements. The ocular motiliry and eye opening became restricted one week later. We excised the orbital tumor to achieve definite diagnosis and to improve the cosmetic appearance and the visual function. The eyeball was left intact. Surgery was followed by normal eye opening and motility. The excised tumor was identified as diffuse large B cell lymphoma. And systemic examinations showed metastases to other organs. Chemotherapy induced improvements in systemic and eye findings. This case illustrates that resection of orbital tumor can be beneficial in spite of the presence of generalized metastasis.

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