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要約 鉄欠乏性貧血の3症例に網膜中心動静脈閉塞症が併発した。いずれも女性で,年齢は29歳,44歳,51歳,すべて片眼発症である。受診の動機は急性の視力低下または霧視であり,初診時の患眼の矯正視力は,0.02,1.0,0.8であった。眼底所見として桜実紅斑,動脈周囲の糸状網膜浮腫または限局性浮腫があり,蛍光眼底造影で網膜内の循環遅延があり,一過性の網膜中心動脈閉塞症と診断した。その後,視神経乳頭の発赤浮腫,網膜静脈の拡張蛇行,火炎状の網膜出血が生じ,網膜中心静脈閉塞症の所見を呈した。全例に血清鉄,フェリチン,ヘモグロビン,ヘマトクリット値の低下があった。鉄欠乏性貧血の原因である拒食症,胃潰瘍,不正性器出血がそれぞれにあった。鉄剤などの投与で貧血は軽快した。これに続いて視力と眼底所見は速やかに改善し,最終視力として0.3,1.5,1.2を得た。初診時視力が良好なほど視力転帰がよかった。
Abstract. Three cases of iron-deficiency anemia developed unilateral occlusion of central retinal artery and vein. All were females and were aged 29,44 and 51 years. They showed findings of central retinal artery occlusion including cherry-red spot,thread-like edema along retinal arteries and focal areas of retinal edema. Fluorescein angiography showed retarded intraretinal circulation. Later,central retinal vein occlusion developed by showing dilatated and tortuous veins,flame-shaped hemorrhages,and swelling and hyperemia of optic disc. All the cases had decreased levels of serum iron,hemoglobin,ferritin and hematocrit. Each case had anorexia,peptic ulcer or irregular genital hemorrhage as underlying cause of iron-deficiency anemia. Medical treatments induced alleviation of anemia followed by improved fundus findings and visual acuity to 0.3,1.5 and 1.2 respectively. The final visual outcome was correlated with the initial visual acuity.

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