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要約 周辺部網膜全周切開による黄斑移動術を行い,2年以上の経過が追跡できた19眼について,その長期経過を検索した。内訳は加齢黄斑変性13眼,近視性脈絡膜新生血管6眼である。術中と術直後の合併症が89%と高率で,術後早期の視力は不安定であった。3か月以降になると視力は安定し,最終視力は11眼(58%)で2段階以上改善し,4眼(21%)で不変,4眼(21%)で悪化した。各1眼で脈絡膜新生血管の再発と黄斑円孔が術後20か月以降に生じた。本手術後の長期経過は概して良好であったが,なお長期の経過観察が必要である。
Abstract. Purpose:To review 19 eyes which received macular translocation with 360°retinotomy and which could be followed up for 2 years or longer. Cases:The series comprised age-related macular degeneration 13 eyes and myopic choroidal neovascularization 6 eyes. Findings:The visual acuity during early postoperative period was unstable due to intra-or postoperative complications(89%). The visual acuity became stabilized after 3months of surgery. The final visual acuity improved by 2 lines or more in 11 eyes(58%),remained unchanged in 4 eyes(21%),and deteriorated in 4 eyes(21%). Macular hole and choroidal neovascularization occurred in 1 eye each after 20months of surgery. Conclusion:Macular rotation surgery was relatively effective for 2 years at least. A longer follow-up is advocated because of late complications.

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