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要約 1998年までの10年間に当科で手術を行った乳児内斜視37例と20歳未満の間歇性外斜視31例の経過を検索した。手術時の年齢は,乳児内斜視では0~68(平均34)か月,間歇性外斜視では1~17(平均10.5)歳である。術後2年以上の時点での治癒度を,日本弱視斜視学会の「斜視の治癒基準」で判定した。乳児内斜視では治癒度IからIVまでの累計が84.4%,間歇性外斜視では74.3%であった。術後の両眼視機能は,乳児内斜視では11%で,間歇性外斜視では84%で得られた。
Abstract. Purpose:To review the outcome of surgery for infantile esotropia and intermittent strabismus during 10 years through 1998. Cases and Methods:Ages of patients of infantile strabismus at the time of surgery ranged from 0 to 68 months,average 34 months. Those of intermittent strabismus ranged from 1 to 17 years,average 10.5 years. Outcome of surgery after 2 years or later was evaluated according to the criteria of the Japanese Association of Strabismus and Amblyopia. Results:Cure was obtained in 84.4% of cases with infantile esotropia and in 74.3% of cases with intermittent strabismus.Stereopsis was obtained in 11% of cases with infantile esotropia and in 84% of cases with intermittent strabismus.Conclusion:Postoperative binocular function was poor in infantile esotropia and fair in intermittent exotropia.

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