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目的:後発白内障の1つSoemmering ringは,周辺部硝子体切除術の障害になる。硝子体手術時にこれを処理する手技を考案した。症例と方法:症例は裂孔原性網膜剝離2眼とぶどう膜炎1眼で,硝子体カッターで後囊と前後囊間のSoemmering ringを切除し,前囊はできるだけ温存した。結果:全例で前囊を温存でき,その透明性が保たれていたため,硝子体手術時の周辺部の視認性が確保できた。結論:前囊を温存しながらSoemmering ringを処理することができた。眼内レンズの二次挿入を将来行う場合にも本術式が有用である。
Purpose:To describe our method to manage the Soemmering ring during vitreous surgery. Cases and Method:Two eyes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and one eye of uveitis had Soemmering ring and needed vitreous surgery. Vitreous cutter was used to remove Soemmering ring between the anterior and posterior lens capsule. We tried to leave the anterior capsule intact. Result:The anterior capsule was left intact in all the eyes. It was possible to retain visibility of peripheral vitreous during vitreous surgery. Conclusion:Our technique allows removal of Soemmering ring by leaving the anterior capsule intact. This approach may be of use for secondary implantation of intraocular lens.

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