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在胎28週の胎児に超音波検査が行われ,頭部形態異常,側脳室と第3脳室拡大があり,cloverleaf syndromeと診断された。在胎34週で帝王切開で分娩,体重は2,904gであった。両眼に眼球突出と浅い眼窩があり,ヘルテルで非突出時9mm,突出時20mmであった。前眼部,中間透光体,眼底に異常はなかった。生後5か月で頭蓋骨縫合切除術を行い,眼球突出は軽減し,ヘルテルで左右とも16mmになった。
Ultrasonography of a fetus at 28-weeks of gestation showed abnormal head shape with enlarged lateral and third ventricles leading to the diagnosis of cloverleaf syndrome. When born after 34 weeks of gestation by aesarean section,the infant weighed 2,904 g. She showed bilateral proptosis and shallow orbit. The proptosis measured 9 mm by Hertel during absence of proptosis and 20 mm during proptosis. She showed no abnormalities in the anterior chamber,optic media or the fundus. She underwent cranial sutural resection at the age of 5 months. Proptosis became reduced to 16 mm each 2 weeks after surgery.
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