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要約 背景:多胎児での斜視には遺伝の関与があり,表現型が鏡像を呈することがある。目的:斜視の表現型が鏡像を呈した一卵性双生児の報告。症例:31歳の一卵性双生児の姉妹を検索した。両名とも飲酒時に上下複視があり,第二子(妹)は傾眠時と疲労時に上下または水平方向の複視を自覚している。所見:姉妹ともに矯正視力は1.2または1.5で,姉には-2Dと-1.25D,妹には-2Dと-3Dの近視がある。姉は左眼が固視眼,妹は右眼が固視眼である。平常時には姉は外斜位,妹は間欠性外斜視である。飲酒時には両名とも内斜視になり,非固視眼が上転し,立体視が不良になった。結論:一卵性双生児である成人姉妹に斜視または斜位があり,その表現型が鏡像を呈した。
Abstract. Background:Hereditary factors may be involved in strabismus in multiple births. Phenotype in these cases may present mirror image. Purpose:To report a pair of monozygotic twins who manifested mirror image of strabismus. Cases:This study was made on a pair of female monozygotic twins. Both had vertical diplopia when inebriated. The second-born sister noticed vertical or horizontal diplopia during fatigue or sleepiness. Findings:Both had corrected visual acuity of 1.2 or 1.5 in either eye. The first-born had myopia of -2 and -1.25 diopters and was fixating with the left eye. The second-born had myopia of -2 and -3 diopters and was fixating with the right eye. When free of alcoholic influence,the first-born had exophoria and the second-born had intermittent exotropia. After intake of alcohol,both manifested esotropia with sursumduction of nonfixating eye and with poor stereopsis. Conclusion:This pair of monozygotic twins had tropia or phobia and manifested mirror image as phenotype.

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