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隅角閉塞による急性緑内障が生じた21例23眼に,初回治療として超音波水晶体破砕吸引術と眼内レンズ挿入を行った。男性2例2眼,女性19例21眼で,平均年齢は67.9±8.9歳,平均眼軸長は22.1±0.9mmであった。術前の眼圧は24~70mmHg,平均48.7mmHgであった。平均執刀時間は24.6分で,3眼ではcore vitrectomyを併用した。チン小帯の断裂で眼内レンズ挿入ができなかった1眼以外に術中合併症はなかった。術翌日の眼圧は8~26mmHg,平均14.8mmHgであり,1例を除き,緑内障手術の追加を必要としなかった。最終眼圧は平均14.0mmHgで,2眼で緑内障薬点眼が行われていた。視力は18眼(78%)で改善し,5眼(22%)で不変であった。経過観察中,水疱性角膜症の発症はなかった。以上,急性緑内障発作眼に対しての超音波白内障手術は発作解除に有効で,安定した低い術後眼圧が得られ,術中・術後の合併症も少なかった。
We performed phacoemulsification and intraocular lens(IOL)implantation as the primary procedure for acute angle-closure glaucoma in 23 eyes of 21 patients. The series comprised 2 eyes of 2 males and 21 eyes of 19 females. Their ages averaged 67.6±8.9 years. The axial length averaged 22.1±0.9 mm. The initial intraocular pressure(IOP)ranged from 24 to 70 mmHg,average 48.7 mmHg. The duration of surgery averaged 24.6 minutes. Additional core vitrectomy was performed in 3 eyes. There was no intraoperative complication except one eye in which IOL was not implanted due to ruptured zonule. IOP on next day of surgery ranged from 8 to 26 mmHg average 14.8 mmHg. Additional glaucoma surgery had to be performed in one eye only. Final IOP averaged 14.0 mmHg. Two eyes were using topical antiglaucoma medication. Visual acuity improved in 18 eyes(78%)and remained unchanged in 5 eyes(22%). No case developed bullous keratopathy during the period of observation. The findings show that phacoemulsification with IOL implantation is safe and effective for acute angle-closure glaucoma.

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