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We performed trabeculotomy in addition to cata-ract surgery in 35 eyes, 27 patients, during theforegoing 29-month period. Primary open angleglaucoma was present in 13 eyes, pseudoexfoliationsyndrome is 4 and combined mechanism glaucomain 5. These 22 eyes were followed up for 6 monthsor more after surgery. Extracapsular cataractextraction (ECCE) was performed in 13 eyes andintracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) in 9.
The state of control of intraocular pressure wasjudged as good, or without medication, in 9 eyes(69%) in ECCE group and in 3 eyes (33%) in ICCEgroup. It was judged as fair, or with topical medica-tion, in 4 eyes (31%) in ECCE group and in 6 eyes(67%) in ICCE group. There were no major pos-toperative complications, except for a case of pro-gressive optic atrophy in advanced glaucoma.
The simultaneous procedure of trabeculotomyand cataract surgery was thus effective in eyes withsenile cataract and various types of open angleglaucoma.

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