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血清学的にHaemophilus influenzae感染の先行が示唆されたFisher症候群の66歳女性例を報告した。上気道感染の後,歩行障害と多発性脳神経麻痺が急性の経過で進行し,急性期血清中にIgGクラスの抗GQ1b,抗GT1a抗体を検出した。さらに,血清中抗H.influenzae抗体価がIgM,IgG,IgAクラスとも上昇し,経過とともにいずれも有意に低下した。Fisher症候群の先行感染因子のひとつとして,本菌を念頭に置いた培養検査や血清学的診断を行い,同様の症例を蓄積していく必要がある。
We report a case of Fisher's syndrome with sero-logical evidence of antecedent Haemophilus influenzae infection. A 66-year-old woman developed unsteady gait and multiple cranial nerve palsies after upper res-piratory infection. Serum anti-GQ1b and anti-GT1a IgG antibodies were positive. In the acute phase of the illness, her serum had high titers of IgM, IgG and IgA anti-H. influenzae antibodies, which significantly de-creased during the clinical course. Further study is needed to clarify the clinical and immunological fea-tures of Fisher's syndrome after H. influenzae infec-tion.

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