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検査所見にて多クローン性高IgM血症および数種の自己抗体陽性を認めた。治療として血漿交換を3回実施したところ,血清IgMの減少と歩行障害の改善を認めた。本症例の抗myelin associated glycoprotein(MAG)抗体および抗糖脂質抗体は陰性であったが,大脳白質・灰白質の蛋白に対する抗体を検討したところ,54KD蛋白に対し陽性のバンドを認めた。
A patient, 50-year-old female, developed progres-sive weakness of lower extremities, and gait distur-bance for 2 years.
Neurological examination revealed hyperreflexia with pathological reflex, fasciculation in the limbs and tongue, muscle weakness and atrophy in distal limbs, but no sensory disturbance. Needle EMG showed neurogenic findings compatible with motor neuron disease (MND).
Laboratory data showed polyclonal IgM hyperim-munoglobulinemia, positive several autoimmune antibodies including antisingle strand DNA anti-body (Ab), ENAab, SS-A ab and RA. There were no antibodies for gangliosides and Myelin-associat-ed glycoprotein (MAG), but positive antibody for 54KD protein of cerebral gray and white matter.
The clinical manifestations including gait distur-bance and muscle weakness, and serum IgM levelwere moderately improved by plasmapheresis which is considered important for consideration of causes of MND.

Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.