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要旨 症例は27歳男性。急性CMV肝炎発症4日後に四肢遠位部の筋力低下,感覚障害でGuillain-Barré syndrome(GBS)を発症した。二重濾過膜法によるプラズマフェレーシスにより一過性の症状改善を認めたが,治療抵抗性で症状増悪し,呼吸不全,球麻痺,臥床状態となった。発症2カ月後よりステロイドパルス療法を行い,症状は劇的に改善した。計7コースのパルス療法により独歩可能となった。IgM抗GM2抗体が病勢に一致して推移した。プラズマフェレーシスで初期に効果が得られても,その後十分な症状の回復が得られないCMV感染に伴うGBSに対しては,CMV持続感染に対するganciclovirの投与に加え,ステロイドパルス療法も考慮すべき治療法であると考えた。
We report a 27-year-old man with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) preceded by cytomegalovirus infection. He was admitted to our hospital because of distal dominant weakness and sensory disturbance 5 days after fever. Double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) was performed and clinical symptoms temporary but dramatically improved. However facial nerve palsy, difficulty in swallowing food,weakness, dysautonomia and respiratory failure rapidly progressed within 5 days after the onset. Repeated DFPP failed to improve his symptoms. Two months after the onset, he did not improve at all. On T1-weighted MRI, nerve roots were still enhanced with gadolinium, and CSF examination revealed 1,324mg/dl of protein. These findings suggested us the existence of continuous inflammation on nerve roots. We gave steroid-pulse therapy. He dramatically improved after this treatment. We repeated steroid-pulse therapy for seven times. He was discharged without any major complication 6 months after the onset. Steroid-pulse therapy should be considered in GBS patients associated with CMV infection when other conventional treatments are ineffective.

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