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北海道における運動ニューロン疾患(MND)の疫学調査を道内で神経内科診療を行っている多施設との共同研究で行った。調査期間を1980年から1989年の10年間とし,この期間に発症した孤発性MND症例を,神経内科診療施設で診察・診断された症例,道内主要620施設へのアンケート調査,および特定疾患調査表を申請した症例から集計し389症例を確定した。389症例の平均発病年齢は58.2±10.3歳,男女比は1.6:1,臨床病型はALS 303例,PBP 52例およびSPMA 34例であった。10年間の年間平均発病率は人口10万人当たりO.69(95%信頼限界,95%CI 0.62-0.76),年齢性別補正発病率では男性例0.82/100.000(95%CIO.75—O.97),女性例0.53/100.000(95%CI 0.45-0.61)で,後半5年間の平均時点有病率は2.25であった。地域別発病率の検討ではSIR 300%以上を示す相対的集積地区がみられ,高SIR地区に限定された環境因子の解析が本症の発症要因の解明の糸口が得られると思われた。
The incidence, prevalence and regional distribu-tions of sporadic motor neuron disease (MND) from 1980 through 1989 were evaluated in collabora-tion with multiple neurological institutes in Hok-kaido island. Patients with sporadic MND were collected from three sources : 1) neurologist practicing in Hokkaido island, 2) sending inquiries to 620 major hospitals, 3) notification file of MND provided by Japanese Ministry of Welfare and Health.
Three hundred and eighty-nine patients with spo-radic MND were ascertained for this study. Of 389 patients, 238 patients were men and 151 patients were women, and the ratio of men to women was 1.6 : 1. The mean age of onset was 58.2±10.3 years old, 57.7±10.4 for men and 58.9±10.0 for women. Their clinical presentations were 303 patients with ALS, 52 patients were PBP and 34 patients were SPMA.
The crude incidence rate for both sexes combined for 1980 through 1989 was estimated as 0.69 per 100, 000 person-year. The age-and sex-adjusted inci-dence for men was 0.86 per 100,000 person-year (95% CI, 0.75 to 0.97) and that is higher than 0.53 per 100,000 person-year (95% CI, 0.45 to 0.61) for women. The average, crude prevalence rate from 1985 through 1989 was estimated as 2.25 per 100,000 person-year.
There are no overall trends of changing the pat-tern in incidence and prevalence of MND in Hok-kaido island, however the geographic distributionsof the incidence of MND according to towns and cities disclosed the presence of some relative clus-tering areas.
The further epidemiological study in Hokkaidoisland must be continued considering the characteristics of Hokkaido island such as many mineral mines and past epidemics of poliomyelitis.

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