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脳神経外科疾患の患者管理中にみられる低ナトリウム血症の病態を明らかにする目的で,過去1年間に経験され,ナトリウムバランス(Na Bal),心房性ナトリウム利尿ペプタイド(ANP)を測定した低ナトリウム血症32例について,その病態の鑑別と管理法の分類を試みた。測定項目の統計学的な相関の検討から,NaBalが正か負か,ANPが高値か正常かで症例が3群に分けられた。第1群:ANPが正常例,投与ナトリウム不足と考えられた。第2群:Na Balが正で,ANPが高値の例。古典的なSIADHや心不全,腎不全を背景とした相対的水分過剰が考えられ,水制限や利尿が有効であった。第3群:Na Balが負で,ANPが高値の例。ANP値とNa Ba1に負の相関がみられ,ANPのナトリウム利尿により低循環血漿量状態になっていると考えられ,この群では水制限は禁忌と考えられた。以上からNa BalとANPを測定することで,低ナトリウム血症例を,その管理という面から鑑別可能であった。
We have examined the total number of admitted cases to clarify the pathogenesis of hyponatremia during the management of neurosurgical patients. We experienced 32 cases of hyponatremia during the past year by measuring the sodium balance and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) level. According to these two factors, we divided the cases into three groups.
The first group shows normal ANP levels in spite of hyponatremia. Low administration of the sodium was thought to be the cause in these cases.
The second group shows the elevated ANP levels with a positive sodium balance. Elevated circula-tory volume due to the inadequate level of antidiur-etic hormone and mild heart and/or kidney failures cause these conditions. Water restriction and/or diuresis were effective methods in the management of the cases.
The last group shows the elevated ANP levels with a negative sodium balance. There is a statisti-cally significant negative correlation between sodium balance and the ANP level. Marked natriu-resis due to the elevated ANP causes the decrement of the circulatory volume in these cases. Path-ogenesis of the last group is very important in the management of neurosurgical patients in an acute state, especially in subarachnoid hemorrhage cases. The decrement of the systemic circulatory volume would jeopardize the patient's neurological condi-tion. In this group, water restriction that has been commonly recommended is contraindicated. Satis-factory water and sodium replenishment seems to be the best recommended treatment for this group.
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