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抄録 Oligodendroglia系腫瘍24例の増殖分画をcycling cellの核抗原と反応するKi−67モノクロナール抗体によるperoxidase anti-peroxidase (PAP)染色で明らかにした。平均陽性率は組織学的悪性度に相関しanaplastic mixed glioma (oligo-astrocytoma)(11.1%), anaplastic oligodendroglioma (5.3%),isomorphic oligodendroglioma (2.8%), mixed glioma (1.9%)の順であった。また血管の増生肥厚,構成細胞の多形性,および壊死巣の有無,二視野に占める陽性細胞の総数,核分裂率は陽性率と相関し,組織学的悪性度診断のcriteriaに成り得る。Ki−67 PAP染色による陽性率はoligodendroglia系腫瘍の組織学的悪性度診断の有用な補完情報である。
In order to determine the principal histologic features in distinguishing the "anaplastic" from the "well differentiated" oligodendroglioma and mixed glioma (oligo-astrocytoma), correlations between the growth fraction, and histologic grade and 6 histologic variables (vascular proliferation, cytologic pleomorphism, calcification, necrosis, cellularity, mitotic index) were studied in 24 patients.
The growth fraction was calculated as the per-centage of Ki-67-immunostained nuclei in frozen sections using Ki-67 monoclonal antibody. 6 his-tologic variables were checked with HE stain of paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The growth fraction was in general agreement with the histologic grade, in order of decreasing mean percentage, ranging from 11.1% (anaplastic mixed glioma) to 5.3% (anaplastic oligodendro-glioma), 2.8% (isomorphic oligo.) and 1.9% (mixed, grade II). There was a significant association between the growth fraction and 3 histologic variables (vascular proliferation, cytologic pleo-morphism, mitotic index) out of 6.
Thus, even though there exist some gaps be-tween these parameters in paraffin-embedded tis-sues and those in frozen sections, the percentage of Ki-67-immunostained nuclei is likely to be very valuable as a supplement information of histolo-gical grading and a prognostic indicator.

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