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抄録 Parkinson病における脳内カテコラミンニューロンの変性脱落を補うために,自家上頸交感神経節の脳内移植を実験的に試み,カテコラミン組織螢光法にて移植部を観察した。ラット上頸交感神経節には大型のprincipal ganglion cellと小型で強い螢光を発するsmalhntensely fluorescent cellが10:1の割合で存在する。ラット大脳皮質内に移植された上頸交感神経節はよく生着した(85%)が,脳内へはほとんど線維を出さなかった。しかし移植1週前に6-OHDA (4 mM)を局所投与した例では,移植片から脳内ヘカテコラミン線維が伸びていた(20%)。ヒト,サルにParkinson病同様の変化を脳内に生ぜしめると言われているMPTPをサルに投与(3 mg/kg)すると,サルは無動・筋強剛を示した。このサルの線条体に自家上頸交感神経節を移植すると,移植片はよく生着し,カテコラミン線維が線条体に伸びていた。以上のごとく,自家上頸交感神経節内カテコラミン細胞は脳内によく生着し,特に脳内カテコラミン欠乏時には脳内によく線維を送り込んでいた。この結果は本移植法が今後Parkinson病の治療法の一つになる可能性を示唆している。
To supplement catecholamine deficit in the brain with Parkinson disease, we have aimed to trans-plant the superior cervical ganglion (SCG), which contains norepinephrine and dopamine, into the brain
1. Transplantation of SCG into rat cerebral cortex
SCG was transplanted into the same rat's pa-rietal cortex. Three weeks after the transplanta-tion, catecholamine histofluorescence revealed many transplanted catecholamine cells in the cortex. However, no fibers extended from the transplanted tissue to the cerebral cortex. Some catecholamine fibers extended to the cerebral cor-tex where 6-OHDA (a specific neurotoxin to thecatecholamine neuron) had been pretreated.
2. Transplantation of SCG into the caudate nucleus of MPTP-induced Parkinson monkey
For animal model of Parkinson disease, MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine) was administered to 5 monkeys. Tow weeks after MPTP administration, dopamine terminals disap-peared in the caudate nucleus. After transplanta-tion of SCG in the same animal, many trans-planted SCG cells extended their axons to the caudate nucleus.
The present results showed that transplanted SCG cells were well survived in the brain. Under a special circumstance such as shortage of catecho-lamine in the brain, transplanted SCG cells ex-tended their axons into the brain. It is suggested that the transplantation of SCG can be a new therapy for Parkinson disease.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.