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A very rare case of acute subdural empyema due to peptostreptococcus was reported. A 11-year-old-girl was admitted to our hospital with high grade fever, unconsciousness and rt hemiparesis. CT scans showed the mass effect caused by the subdural empyema over the left frontotemporal region. Sub-dural empyema was evacuated by the craniotomy. Peptostreptococcus was found in the pus obtained during the operation. However, CT scans 10 days after the operation revealed another subdural empyema in the left frontal base and interhemis-pheric fissure, which was removed again by thecraniotomy using coronal incision 14 days after the first operation. Frontal sinusitis was also demon-strated by CT scan. Killian's operation to the fron-tal sinusitis was performed by otorhinolaryn-gologists at the same time. Six weeks after the second operation, she was discharged without any neurological deficits. Peptostreptococcus is one of the indigenous microflora of the oral cavity, skin, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system and may be a causative microorganism in every type of human infection due to its abnormal localization. There is a controversy concerning surgical manage-ment subdural empyema. Both the burr hole drain-age of pus and the craniotomy are advocated. Associated otorhinologic lesions must not be over-looked. Otorhinologic consultation should immedi-ately be obtained so that the drainage of an infected paranasal or mastoid sinus can be performed at the time of craniotomy. This is critical to prevent the recurrence of the subdural empyema from further extension of the extracranial disease.

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