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MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN SPINOCEREBELLAR DEGENERATION Shigeyuki Kojima 1 , Keizo Hirayama 1 1Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Chiba University pp.187-193
Published Date 1988/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406206061
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was evalu-ated in 11 patients with non-familial spinocerebel-lar degeneration (6 olivo-ponto-cerebellar atrophy (OPCA) and 5 late cortical cerebellar atrophy (LCCA)). MRI was carried out using a super-conducting magnet of 0.256 tesla (VISTA-MR) and an inversion recovery pulse sequence of re-petition time 2.08 sec and inversion time 0.5 sec. The degree of atrophy was assessed with re-gard to ponto-cerebellar system (basis pontis and middle cerebellar peduncle) and cerebellum in the sagittal and coronal images. In the mid-sagittal images, the width of ventral pons, dorsal pons, tegmentum and tectum of midbrain, and the height of fourth ventricle were measured. Especially, the degrees of atrophy of basis pontis in the mid-sagittal image and middle cerebellar peduncle in the coronal image were divided into 4 grades and evaluated respectively. On the other hand, atro-phy of cerebellum was judged from enlargement of cerebellar fissures and reduction of cerebellar volume in the sagittal and coronal images.

Atrophy of ponto-cerebellar system was found in OPCA, but not in LCCA. In OPCA, atrophy of middle cerebellar peduncle in the coronal image, which was likely to begin in an inferior part of pons, was more marked than, or equal to, atrophy of basis pontis in the mid-sagittal image.

With regard to cerebellar vermis, the superior faces were more atrophic than the inferior faces in both OPCA and LCCA but in OPCA, atrophy on the superior faces was dominant in the pos-terior lobe including declive and folium as against dominance in the anterior lobe in LCCA. General-ly, atrophy of cerebellar vermis seemed to bemore marked in OPCA than LCCA compared with the same serious patients. And in OPCA, hemispheric atrophy was also more marked on the superior faces including simple loble and su-perior semilunar loble than the inferior faces. In LCCA, hemispheric atrophy was minimal on the superior faces and was not found on the inferior faces.

MRI seems to be superior to conventional neuro-radiological methods to evaluate the morpholo-gical and degenerative changes in spino-cerebellar degeneration and useful to differentiate OPCA from LCCA early, but in using MRI, it is im-portant to choose the appropriate imaging section and pulse sequences according to the examinating pathological sites and changes.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


