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抄録 SHRを用いて,高浸透圧製剤であるglycerolの血清過酸化脂質,血漿prostaglandins (TXA2,PG2)脳含水量および脳代謝に及ぼす影響について,非虚血作成群およびtransient ischemiaモデルにおいて検討した。Glycerolは,非虚血作成群では血清過酸化脂質,血漿PGsレベルおよび脳含水量に影響を及ぼさなかった。一方,transient ischemiaモデルでは,血清過酸化脂質はglycerol投与群は生食投与群に比べ有意の低値を示した。血漿PGsレベルの検討では,TXA2には差異を認あなかったが,PGI2はglycerol投与群で有意の高値を示した。脳含水量での検討では,glycerol投与群は有意の低下を示し,さらに脳代謝諸量の検討では,glycerol投与群にてATPは高値をlactateは低下を示したが,pyruvateは差異を示さなかった。LIP比はglycerol投与群で低値を示した。Glycerolは,脳虚血時において抗過酸化作用およびPGI2増強作用を持つことが示唆され,抗脳浮腫作用および脳循環改善作川とともに虚血性障害を改善したものと考えられた。
Using two different models of non ischemic and transient cerebral ischemia in SHR, the effect of hyperosmolar solution with intravenous 10% gly-cerol on serum lipid peroxides, plasma prosta-glandins (TXA2, PGI2), brain water content and brain metabolites were studied.
Glycerol did not influence the levels of lipid peroxides, plasma prostaglandins and brain water content in the non inchemic rats.
In the transient ischemia group, on the other hand, serum lipid peroxides were significantly reduced in the glycerol administrated group. On the study of plasma prostaglandins, there was no difference of TXA2 levels between two groups, but PGI2 levels were significantly increased in the glycerol administrated group. Brain water content was significantly decreased. And on the study of brain metabolites, ATP concentrations remained higher and lactate concentrations were lower in the glycerol administrated group compared with those in the control group. But there was no dif-ference with pyruvate concentrations between two groups, furthermore L/P ratio improved in the glycerol administrated group.
Besides the effect on reduction of brain edema as for hyperosmolar solution, glycerol may indicate improvement of ischemic impediments on brain by the action of antioxidation and reinforcement of PGI2.

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