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抄録 TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone)は幾つかの神経疾患に対して臨床応用されている神経ペプチドである。TRHの中枢性効果はモノアミンを初めAch (acetylcholine)系,GABA (γ—aminobutyric acid)系等との密接な相互作用に基づくものと想定されているが,詳細は不明である。そこでGABA系のうち今まで検討されていなかった代謝的側面に対するTRHの影響をマウス,ラットを用いて検討した。指標にはGABA合成酵素GAD (glutamic acid decarboxytase)および分解酵素GABA-T (GABA-transaminase)活性と大脳皮質,小脳切片での[3H]GABA再取込みを選んだ。ddマウスのGAD,GABA-Tは5 mg/kgのTRH腹腔投与60分後に前脳では不変,後脳では増加傾向をみた。GADは脳幹で増加(p<0.001,小脳では逆に低下(p<0.05)していた。GABA取込みはWistar雄ラットで検討したが,TRH (0.1mM—0.1μM)はGABA取り込みを変化させなかった。GAD活性に対するTRHの効果はラットでは脳の7部位で検討し,投与30分後の視床一中脳(p<0.05)と180分後の橋一延髄(p<0.05)でGAD活性の増加が示されたが,他部位は不変であった。この結果よりTRHの中枢作用を考える際,GABA系の関与が無視しえないものと考えられた。
It has been reported that thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) improves the ataxia of cerebellar type. The mechanism of action is unclear. As well recognized, GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) is an important neurotransmitter in cerebellar sys-tem. So, if TRH acts on cerebellum, it is expected that the GABA metabolism will be modified by in vivo or in vitro TRH application. The purpose of this experiment is to clarify whether or not TRH affects on GABA system in cerebellar sys-tem.
The first experiment was to determine the effect of TRH on the two GABA related enzyme activi-ties, that is, GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase) and GABA-T (GABA-transaminase). TRH was intraperitoneally injected at a dose of 5 mg/kg. In mouse brains, the two enzyme activities of hindbrains increased after 60 minutes. Next ex-periment assaying GAD activities at two parts of hindbrain revealed that the increase in hind-brain observed above was due to marked increase in brain-stem (p <0.001), but not in cerebellum itself in which the GAD activities decreased (p< 0.05). On the other hand, in the forebrains, the same dose of TRH failed to change both GAD and GABA-T activities. In order to ascertain the effect more precisely, we assayed GAD activities at seven parts of the brain of Wistar male rats. By this experiment, it was found that GAD acti-vities increase at two portions, namely, at thala-mo-midbrain after 30 minutes and at pons-medulla after 180 minutes of TRH injection (p<0.05, in both). Other five portions, including cerebellum, showed no significant change of GAD activities.
The second experiment was to examine the in vitro effect of TRH on GABA re-uptake, using the slices of cerebral cortex or cerebellum. Underthe concentrations from O.1 mM to 0.1 μM, TRH failed to show any significant change of GABA re-uptake when compared to control.
These results indicate that TRH can modify central GABAergic system. Furthermore, mainmetabolic changes do not occur in cerebellum itself, but in adjacent portions, intimately related with cerebellar system, such as pons-medulla or mid-brain-thalamus.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.